Intelligent Firebase DDoS Protection

Intelligent Firebase DDoS Protection gives you the tools to step-up your protection if attacks are detected.

Disable certain functionality

Keep your app running smoothly by only disabling certain Firebase functions, database access or new-users when bills get high - this prevents your app from fully closing down, and from attackers delibartely taking you offline

Rule changes for different stages

When you first get a bill-spike, you can disable public database access and require auth, disable email sign-ups or prevent un-authenticated firebase functions - with DDoS protection, you chose the best way to respond to your app

Attack flagging

Automatically update feature flags and Firebase function environment variables at different stages of alerting so you can respond to attacks in code and avoid bills in a way that keeps your service running

See it in action

Progressively step-up your DDoS protection to prevent full-service loss


Ready to Get Started?

Don't get landed with a $7,000 bill. Get started with Flames Shield today.